Before having Avia I spend hours online trying to figure out what we needed for our baby girl. Of course there are a million lists and the entire process started to become very overwhelming. We narrowed down what we actually needed (so we thought then!) and compiled a registry list and a list for things for us to get! While we ended up with everything we wanted and more, I want to highlight the items that we used over and over and the ones Avia loved the most! I am not talking clothing items or things like pacifiers... these are items that will make your day to day with a newborn easier and more enjoyable!

Halo BassiNest
As first time parents the BassiNest was the perfect way to have Bebe sleep close to us while being safe. We loved the adjustable high feature and the fact that we could see Avia through the net part. The pockets held diapers and wipes which was super convenient for nighttime changing. Of course we loved the aesthetic look as well!
Shop Online: Halo Bassinest

The ultralight car seat is the absolute best. Even at the hospital and doctors offices we received comments on how light this car seat is! An absolute Dream for all the doctors check ups the months following birth. I fell in love with this car seat because of the functionality- the base stays in the car and you simple click in the seat. No thumbing around with the cars’ seat belt every time. It’s also comparable with the best stroller ever (which i will talk about next).
Shop Online: Nuna Pipa Lite

This stroller is not only just pretty, it is also super sturdy, easy to handle, simple to collapse and take with you. The bassinet is sleep approved, which Avia definitely still takes advantage of with her daily stroller naps. Like i mentioned it is compatible with the Nuna car seat (with adapters) which just makes it so easy to take Bebe from car to stroller. As a new parent it’s is enough to think about all things baby, you don’t want to have to worry about your gear and how to work it. Opt for easy to us items!

Shop Online: Silver Cross Wave

Imagine driving the car and you are struggling to see your baby?! Yes, get a car mirror if you are planning to go anywhere by car, especially when you are driving yourself. It’s the absolute worst if you cannot see your little one. Also try singing to your baby in the car, it really helps calming them when they are hear your voice. We showed Avia how she can see us in the mirror as well which really helped too.
Shop Online: Back Seat Mirror

This carrier is a must! We use it daily and Avia loves being close while being able to see everything. It’s perfect to wear Bebe around the house and get some things done (like laundry, cooking etc) or wear her out for a walk. It’s truly ergonomic, especially now that Avia is six months and not featherlight anymore the Ergo baby takes away the challenge of carrying baby for an extended period of time. It’s also great for dads!!
Shop Online: Ergo Omni Carrier

I have learned that the safest place to put baby down is the ground. As these littles get more mobile, start to roll and crawl it’s scary to put them down to even go to the bathroom ?. The Elodie play mat is super comfortable, cushioned, washable and (very important!!) minimal in its design!! The two sides have different cute designs and we use it daily! Also great to take outside in the summer since you simply throw it in the washing machine to clean.
Shop Online: Elodie Details Play Mat (Wild Paris)

I cannot say enough good things about this breast pump and I am absolutely grateful to have it! I contribute my breastfeeding success to the pump (and good nutrition of course) and the fact that I am now able to donate breast milk to a local milk bank! It’s easy to use, efficient in its process and the parts are easy to clean.

Shop Online: Medela Pump In Style

This little silicon pump is so powerful! I used it to collect let down while feeding on the other side. It’s also a miracle worker when it comes to engorgement and clogged milk ducts (all very real things when your milk finally comes in). Even now I use the daily to collect small amounts of milk for Avia's cereal.
Shop Online: Haakaa Silicon Pump

The beginning of our breast feeding story was a little challenging partially because my milk hadn’t come in and Avia didn’t know how to latch. I researched “the best bottle brand” before having bebe and mostly looked at the aesthetic of the bottles. It turned out that all these bottles released way toO much liquid and made Avia throw it all up. Then we found Dr.Browns bottles and the “premie nipples” which release only very small amounts of milk when sucking. These were the only bottles that worked and I wish I found this info somewhere when I did my research!!
Shop Online: Dr. Browns Bottles
When we left the hospital, we received some great advice. “All the baby needs is love and food”, everything else is secondary. If you are in the process of compiling your registry or baby wish list, be picky and do your research! Spend the money where needed and don’t buy things you are not sure you will ever use. It’s not about quantity, but about great quality of the items that will help you make the newborn stage enjoyable.