Masking has never been so easy and convenient. Sheet Masks are all the rage and there is no longer a huge mess associated with masking. Whether you are at home on the sofa or in an airplane to combat the dry air while travelling, masking is a great way to give your skin the extra nutrients it needs to avoid fatigue. Sheet masks come in all kinds of shapes, for all kinds of skin types. Over the last few months I have tested countless brands to find the mask that really stand out.
I have gathered my favourites for dehydrated skin, acne prone or irritated skin and anti-aging.The below masks start at $5 and go sky high, so make sure to click the links to find out!



It does not always matter how much money you spend on skincare, it matters more that you are consistent with your skincare regime, more important that you have a skin care routine. Start your day with a freshly washed face and set up a consistent cleanser, serum, cream and eye cream for yourself. The evening is so important, do not see it as a chore but rather a time for self care! For some inspiration my night time routine read my article here. You can take a few things here and there and incorporate them into your routine.

Keep in mind that glow comes from the inside as much as it comes from the outside so do not expect wonders from a mask. Always wash your face at night, use good products, eat a healthy diet and drink lots of water. Then add masking and your skin will glow!