Bump Shoot
I always understood why women wanted to have a Maternity Photo Shoot, but until I got pregnant myself and started showing more, started feeling the kicks and movement of little bebe I feel that now I fully get why it is so important to capture these moments. There are so many ways to bottle up these moments but I feel that I need to give you a few tips to get the best results!
1 | Pick a style that suits you and not just what you see others do or what you see on Pinterest. With so many ideas around make sure to stick to your style and personality when it comes to your Maternity Photo Shoot.
2 | Pamper yourself so you feel your best. Many women really feel out of their comfort zone in front of a camera half nude (if thats the style you pick!) or in front of a camera in general. Share those feelings with your photographer or try to take some photos with your partner or someone you trust in these more vulnerable situations. Maybe get your hair and make up done if that helps you boost your confidence.
3 | Involve your partner for extra special moments. Also think about some Maternity Photo Shoot pictures that could be used for "before and after" photos with bump, then with baby!

Some women may think that this is a completely useless thing to do, and honestly to each their own! I feel that each person, each pregnancy, each body is different and there are no rules. Some people are not into photos and thats ok. Do what makes you happy and comfortable.

For me personally, I have captured so much of my pregnancy in photos, video and even a pregnancy book and have been loving the experience. There will be so many memories and moments in the future, that I might forget some of these incredible moments of first kicks, great news at Ultrasound appointments, days where I could really feel my bump grow..... For every woman reading this, whether you are trying to conceive, are pregnant, a mom or a dad - make sure you do what you feel is right and do not follow whatever society has made out for us to follow. Thats the great thing about babies, each journey is unique, and so is each new little one.