The third trimester, and last trimester before we get to meet our baby girl! Week 29 - 40, well if we make it this far! In this time my bump really started to show. I look at pictures from the First Trimester and Second Trimester Updates were I thought my bump was "big" - and wow did I not know what I was in for then.
As I mentioned in my Second Trimester Update, the placenta previa was a huge surprise and scary news in this pregnancy. I immediately had to be on the lookout for any bleeding, stop my regular exercise routine and just be overall more careful with how I am treating my body and the baby. Over the next weeks we were hoping the placenta previa would resolve itself, which it does in most cases. If the previa resolved I would be able to stay with my doctor, if it doesn't I would have to transfer to a specialist and the pregnancy would be considered "high risk". At the 30 week ultrasound the placenta had moved enough to clear me from any risk factor which was a huge relief. Now we were able to talk birth plan, birth wishes, we started our prenatal classes (online via zoom!) and we read up on all things labour and delivery, watched countless "raw+real" birth vlog to prepare ourselves of what's to come.

29 Weeks

31 Weeks

33 Weeks

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

38 Weeks
The next weeks were filled with our 5 year wedding anniversary which we spent at the beautiful Fairmont Banff Springs, a trip to BC for Thanksgiving and lots of last minute preparation like Nursery set-up, holiday content planning and so on. We kept really busy to finish everything and planned to decorate the house by November 1st, as we did not know when little bebe would make her entrance. This whole time I felt great, only the last weeks of pregnancy gave me a few sleepless nights, waking up and staying awake for a few hours, rolling over and over and over because I just could not get comfortable laying. But here are some of the most memorable moments with bebe:
- nightly hicups
- love for pizza and bubble water
- Jeremiah's + Bebe's bonding time after I was sleeping
- tickling Bebe's feet

Starting in week 36 I saw the doctor every week. We loved listening to the heartbeat each time, and made sure we recorded it. In week 38 the doctor had some concern with how my bump was measuring. The numbers hadn't changed over the last two weeks and she ended up sending me for another ultrasound. Bebe was kicking up a storm, I never had to think about kick counts because I felt her so clearly and regularly each day. Based on this I didn't feel I had to worry about "not showing that much" or not having a massive bump as some people expect but the doctors concern definitely had me concerned too. I was able to book the ultrasound for the same day (I didn't feel like a sleepless night!!) and we were assured that baby is doing very well, and even measuring ahead with legs, head, stomach all measuring 39 weeks and 4 days. A big sigh of relief moment as the doctor told us we do not need to worry, bebe is doing great! We left the clinic happy, and Jeremiah said "she is going to come next week!". Well lets see!

We planned a few maternity shoots to capture the last days of pregnancy, which turned out beautiful and how knew that we would look at these pictures now and miss this bump!! We were even planning for another shoot (bedsheet shadow shots) which never ended up happenin g because little bebe decided to make her entrance a bit earlier than expected. There was even a nursery tour video we planned on filming which never happend, but thankfully it didn't require my bump!
Third Trimester Facts:
week 29-40
from Sept 9 to Dec 1
weight gain 71.2 - 77.7 kg = 6.5kg