Aesthetic Baby Proofing
Baby proofing was never on the top of our minds, but once Avia became more mobile we started to realize it is a necessity. My mind immediately when to all the ugly things I have seen online and in peoples homes and I kept putting off any kind of baby proofing because I wanted to enjoy the aesthetic was created in our home just a little while longer. To my surprise West Coast Kids offers a great selection of subtle and aesthetic baby proofing items. I quickly filled my cart with all the essentials because Avia is getting more mobile, and faster by the minute! Let me show you how it went....
1. Baby Gates
If you have stairs in your home, please please please get these Kidco Baby Gates. Even when Avia could not walk properly she was very into the stairs, wanting to climb and explore there. We had just gotten hardwood on the stairs which would make falling a lot more painful so baby gates were a MUST for us!! We have had them for months and she has not figured out how to open them (fingers crossed it stays this way!). We love the Kidco Baby gates for their aesthetic, simplicity and durability. They have any different options for wide hallways, custom stair cases and even extension kits to make them work over and over again eve if your space changes.
The one pictured is this style.
For the bottom of the stairs we have this style.

2. Soft Corners
Corners on tables, night stands, dresser, tv consoles etc can be super dangerous. These littles do not know to be careful around sharp edges like this + they are still a little wobbly on their feet and may loose their balance unexpectedly. Kidco has a good selection of different colours that hopefully blend into your home design. As I mentioned before, we were very sure that baby proofing was not a thing we would have to do but NO NO NO, better be safe than sorry.
Kidco Foam Corners here.

3. Enclosures
Around the time of the 7-8 month mark we noticed that Avia was getting a bit more mobile and we needed an enclosure to keep her from escaping every 2 seconds. The Skiphop Baby enclosure was the perfect choice in making sure Avia was safe in her own little space. The great thing about the Skiphop enclosure is that it is customizable depending on your space, and it comes with a cute play station with music, and activities. I loved that the colour scheme is subtle and does not stick out compared to other VERY colourful enclosures. The size is big enough to fit some toys inside to keep the little ones busy while we can escape to the washroom for a second, run and get laundry out of the machine, or grab snacks!
Find the Skiphop enclosure here.

4. Add Sentimental Decor
In terms of decor, I would suggest to pick a few items that encourage conversation. I picked prints from Desenio that are travel themed, as well as a wooden globe! We also used the polaroids from our baby shower to talk about all the people who have celebrated our bebe already. Other sentimental items would be an ultrasound picture, an image of us when we found out about the pregnancy - there are countless ideas! Just think about what you want to chat with your baby about!

Happy baby proofing. We also added covers for electrical outlets (not pictured in this article) which I fekt was very very important! Check out West Coast Kids for these items and more!! West Coast Kids has an amazing selection of brands and items you may need to keep your little one safe in your home.
in generous partnership with West Coast Kids