Let's talk about why we always want more and how it is human nature to long for ultimate success and a "rich" life! Recently I have been having lots of talks about goals, longings, wants and needs in the search of ultimate happiness. Some say that money makes you happy, others say time is the one factor money cannot buy, and thus it will make you feel absolute happiness. Others believe material things are what will make you feel rich but then, what about the memories in your heart and your mind, those no one can take away from you?
who is truly happy must have:
a) lots of money
b) a heart full of love for life
I say back to basics and each of us can interpret this in their own way. I am not going to tell you what it should mean to you. The point of material luxury items might come into play here. To me, these things are nice but I know they do definitely not make me happy in the long run. Yes, it is nice to save for and buy a Chanel bag, but at the end of the day, this bag is not going to give you the happiness that your heart needs... anyway this is my opinion!
Fact is that happiness is defined differently for each and every one of us, but happiness is an essential component to life. The journey is about finding what makes you happy, while enjoying the moment where you at right now. It is much easier said than done, especially if you are a planner, a person who loves to be in control. Just like meditation, at first - very difficult until you train your brain, and after some time it is as easy as drinking your morning coffee.
I want to conclude with an encouragement to try to find happiness. Whether that means to you planning of becoming a manager at your company, having a huge family or living a simple life in the country. Do not think about the opinions of others, just go within yourself and ask yourself what do you want?