In the grand scheme of life, we often get caught up with everything that seems so important to us. Whether it is going on a vacation, a new handbag, to buy a house or condo, a glamorous outfit or a piece of jewellery that is on our wishlist of "things that will make us happy". I am not saying that these things do not contribute to our happiness and overall well-being, but they are not essential to it either. Happiness and content-ness for me come from feeling loved, having a good relationship with the people who are so dear to your heart, health and being able to have time to spend exploring.

what is important to you?
"It's the
small things

Feeling content and being at peace with yourself is something not everyone has. You only have one life, and one body, so take care of yourself and listen to yourself more. The feeling of helping others is another way of helping to feel content and balanced. Again, its the small things that matter: helping your neighbour, taking time to take a yoga class, cooking a meal for your family and if then there is still time, and room in your budget, then it is time for the greater luxuries in life.

I wanted to use this post as a reminder to myself and everyone around that happiness is always first. Listen to your body and mind, and make sure you do whatever brings you joy (and this is very different for everyone). Set aside the judgement for yourself and others. To each their own, and I say this in the most heartfelt way possible.