I have heard the saying "beauty is not attractive, but confidence is" and I recently read somewhere on Instgram that there are studies that show that the maximum level of confidence is reached at age 60. Can you image? If you feel that you are confident now, how much more confident can you get? Or, if you thought that you have next to no confidence now, well, good news - there is hope!

Beauty has so many forms,
and I think the most beautiful
thing is confidence and
loving yourself.

As I grow older, I notice that in certain situations I am much more calm, more collected and yes, more confident. Maybe it is because I am drawing from past experiences, know that the effects of a situation can't throw me off, or maybe because I know the outcome before I even enter the situation. Whatever it is, it feels good. With age, and experience I truly believe we gain confidence, wisdom and grace.

To me, confidence - not to be confused with cockieness (that in itself is disgusting), is the most attractive personality trade. It is something that can be adapted over time, but not forced. it has to come from within. It appears in strong personalities and usually results from putting yourself in scary situations and overcoming those.
Stepping outside of your comfort zone, will make you more confident over time. Knowing that you CAN DO whatever you put your mind to, knowing that even if you fall, you CAN get up. This is confidence. For me, going to NYFW, backstage with Nars, filming video, embracing my Youtube channel this year.. all these things I never thought I could do, but now I am. Confidence is beautiful, its free and it is something no one can take away from you.