L ast month had been filled with so many amazing opportunities but also a lot of set backs. If you follow me on Instagram you will know about the cancelled flights and locker break in and on top of that we have been dealing with some personal matters that just left me feeling sad, helpless and stressed. Nonetheless, life goes on and I belief in making the best out of the situation, no matter what. I wanted to share some things that helped me get through this month that seemed cursed, and I hope that some of these things might help you too, whenever you are feeling that life is taking a different direction than you expected.

It is not easy to admit fault, but the most important thing is that you learn from your mistakes, and move on. Dwelling on something negative does not change anything, and will only make everything worse. It doe not always have to be an apology to someone else, sometimes admitting to yourself that you made a mistake is the first step to improving your mind set!
There is always something good happening, just sometimes you have to look a little harder. It might be a beautiful sunset, giving yourself a bouquet of flowers or spending time with a dear friend. I am not saying to ignore the things that are going wrong, not at all, but do not let it consume your whole life. Make time to deal with your problems and then take a break and focus on YOU.

Taking time for yourself, reflect and make a strategic plan takes a clear mind. We can all get overwhelmed and feel that we can't handle a situation but in my experience a clear mind helps to straighten things out. Meditation, even if it is just 10 min here and there can help with that. I never used to belief in that but after getting hooked on yoga, I noticed a real difference in how I handle stressful situations.
Proper nutrition and fuel for your body is the essence of staying healthy. A stressful time can take a strain on our bodies and sometimes we end up getting sick. Also, when we get down on ourselves, it is easy to indulge in junk food - thing we know are not good for you. BUT, if we fuel our bodies with the right nutrients, we end up feeling more energized and it really helps to get through a tough time.

Although it can be difficult and you may put yourself in a vulnerable situation - ask for help! Sometimes just a different perspective on a topic or situation can be so insightful and eye opening. We all think a certain way, and may not think of a solution like other. It also helps if the person is completely removed from the situation, because feelings often interject with logic.