Because we all want to look our best all the time, include when we arrive at our destination, I want to share my travel skin care tips. If you follow these steps, not only your skin will look better, feel hydrated but you will feel better overall and have more energy. You may think that some of these steps are common sense but without actively thinking about them, we can forget the most simple things when we are out of our comfort zone!
Travelling is always an adventure, not only for our souls and mindset hall the impressions but our skin can suffer if not taken care of properly. Dehydration is the most common factor that causes fatigue and dull looking skin. Travel by airplane is usually a huge contributor because of change in altitude, extreme dry air and probably not drinking enough water during the time of travel.

1 // drink water
You need to drink lots of water. On a regular day I try to drink 3 litres of water. When travelling I want to up this even more because of the stress we go through and the different environments we are exposed to. On a travel day, I drink 2 glasses at home, 1 bottle on the way to the airport, another bottle in line for security. I like to bring my own water in the plane because that way you are on your own water schedule and there is no need to wait for the flight attendant to bring water to you. When the flight attendant comes by, always say “yes” to water. I love the window seat but if you need to go to the washroom often (which is good because it keeps you moving on a flight!) then maybe opt for the isle seat. Keeping yourself hydrated from the inside is a huge contributing factor in how glowy your skin will be.
Your skin may look a little dull, now here is how you get this rosy glow and get your circulation going! This is great to get some color into your cheeks but also to wake up your skin and face if you are feeling or looking tired. This is a great way to massage your skin and prep it for the product to be absorbed better. The great thing - ice cubes are always available on a flight or at your destination!

2 // ice cubes

3 // fave skincare
Of course you can always bring your favourite face and eye cream on a fight if this is not too much for you. If you don't, make sure you follow the next step for sure and also make sure you apply the face and eye cream after the flight when you wash up! If you already have extremely dehydrated skin, I would encourage you to not skip this, the more love you give your skin, the more it will love you back.
I love using a face oil during a flight because whenever I do, I never have the feeling that my skin is too dry. Bio Oil, and especially the new travel size is my current favourite because it fits in every bag and there is never an excuse not to use it and keep your skin hydrated. Also, Bio Oil has many other benefits and uses, for example i use it all over my body if I travel to a dry destination, put it in the end of my hair, a great remedy if you burn yourself, and i even use it to help remove stubborn eye make up. Get 10% off your Bio Oil order on www.freshglow.ca with code Sparkles10.

4 // face oil

If you do these few steps during your next flight and/or after travelling (especially by plane) you will feel an immense difference in the textures and brightness of your skin and an increase in your energy level. All these are no fuzz, no crazy prep steps towards beautiful and hydrated skin!

In generous collaboration with Bio Oil