Moving to a new country or new city doesn’t get less scary as an adult. I did this twice over the past 18 months, and finding your way around the city, meeting new people, and making new friends can really be stressful. No matter how close you and your partner are in your relationship (and don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my husband!), it is even nicer when you find another blogger couple that’s just on the same wave length.
Photos before food, three outfit changes, Instagram Story-ing everything, and of course the constant location scouting - these are the nuances only a fellow blogger would appreciate. And its honestly just so much more fun to do it together, and share that passion with other like-minded individuals.

In generous partnership with Thomas Sabo
Shot on location at La Palma Toronto
So whenever we find these rare people who you instantly connect with, especially as young adults in a new city, we know its a real treat. Spending time with those friends instantly lightens my mood and brings me sunshine. When you can just be your true real self, this is when these treasured moments and memories are created. A super bonus is when you can create these memories on double dates with their significant others. Laughing until your stomach hurts and tears are running down your face - that is when you know you have found a true friend. Today, I am sharing three of the intricate nuances - and corresponding benefits - of nurturing your adult friendships.

Good friends lift you up and spruce up your confidence. Having the right support around you is so important, no matter what your interests or your field is. It helps you reach your goals and pushes you further! And the best support comes from good friends who are both honest but also appreciative.
"Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life."


When the confidence becomes a bit too much, you can be sure to have a friend get you back from your pink cloud. This part is so important, because we can all get caught up in a bubble of ideas, not realizing the actualities of a situation because we are too excited.


Having said all of that, I am so grateful to have crossed paths with the beautiful Mel, the power woman behind one of my favourite blogs, MelInspired.com, who I can call my friend, colleague and a true inspiration. I truly believe that we meet people for a reason. Sometimes you know that a person will become a true friend, one to make memories with, and that is definitely how I felt when I first met Mel after following her online for so many years. Thanks to Thomas Sabo and the new TOGETHER Collection, we were able to celebrate our friendship with some tokens over a delicious brunch. The jewelry features entwined rings, symbolizing this together-ness, which I absolutely love! The delicate pieces truly represent how precious these special moments TOGETHER are.

We had the most splendid brunch, and also the wonderful opportunity to highlight our friendship for each other with these beautiful symbols. Life is better with good, real friends. Don't you think?