Happy Monday Beauties!! It is almost November, and we have been spoiled with the most gorgeous fall weather here in Toronto! As the temperatures being to drop, I am once again beginning my hunt for cosy sweaters and knits, and I cannot wait to start layering away. We spent this past weekend driving all around the Greater Toronto Area, spending time with family. The importance of time came to mind since we spent more time driving around this giant mega-city than actually enjoying time with our loved ones. The weekend is usually so precious; it is a time for breakfast in bed, or a delicious brunch at a new spot, and just catching up on life and making memories with my love!

Time management is becoming more and more important for me right now, as day after day passes more quickly it seems. I thought about a few things to manage my time better, whether it is in your work life or personal time. I am sharing some thoughts below:
Allow yourself time to get ready, have a coffee and start the day right;
Make a list of things that need to be done today;
Do not overwhelm yourself with too many things;
Do not agree to do things just because it pleases others, while it stresses you out;
Set goals and actively work towards them, strive high;
Do something nice for yourself once you have accomplished a goal;
Be aware of your time commitments in meetings;
Make a choice between saving money or time.

Just thinking about some of these things might make you realize and actively think about how much time we waste, and how we could be more productive, or allow ourselves to spend time with family or just by ourselves.

Time is a strange thing, but there never seems to be enough. My Monday Motivation is to think about time and how we can make better use of it. To make ourselves happy, calm and balanced.
Have a great start into the week!
Shot on location at Ikanos Montreal