Happy New Year friends! It is truly mind blowing that 2015 is now in the past, so many amazing things happened this past year and I am beyond grateful for all of them. From finishing my degree, to planning and experiencing my dream wedding (pictures are coming soon!) to ending the year being more sure of my dreams than ever before. 2015 for me was a year of milestones and growth, focusing on myself by practising yoga and focusing on my baby www.kohlercharles.com. I would like to thank you for following along, for your support and encouragement throughout the whole year.
2016 will be a wild year, I can feel it. Truly focusing on your dreams, goals and ambitions and being prepared to work harder than you ever have is the first step into success. For me these are not “New Years Resolutions” that fade away before the third week into January. Do something you love to do; hard work won’t appear as hard, and small successes will seem like huge accomplishments.
Much Love,