The second trimester - pretty much the time from 13 to 28 weeks - whole it flies by! It seems that the First Trimester is all about the anticipation of the 12 week mark and making sure baby is ok, it is safe to tell people around you. Now that the second trimester has passed too, I am like wth where has the time gone.
At 20 weeks it is time to find out the gender! OMG.... the night before the ultrasound appointment I had three dreams about the gender of the baby (which I woke up from all three times) and all of these dreams resulted in the same gender of the baby. My gut told me it will be a boy for sure. Watch our gender reveal video and find out if my dreams were right and also who found out first (it wasn't me!).

13 Weeks

16 Weeks

22 Weeks

25 Weeks

28 Weeks
Placenta Previa
I have felt really great during the second trimester, then a little set back was discovered at our 20 week ultrasound. Bebe is fine, and healthy and developing well, which is the most important of course - BUT we discovered that I have Placenta Previa. For those who do not know what it is (truthfully I also had no idea): the placenta covers the cervix, the birth canal and any disturbance or rupture of the placenta could cause serious harm to the baby or even preterm labour. In most cases the placenta attaches away fro the birth canal, somewhere on the top, or side. We were told that placenta previa/low lying placenta is pretty common and the placenta shifts in most cases but we have to be monitored and no exams/anything can go into that area. Any bleeding we should go to the hospital immediately. It also means that if nothing changes, and the placenta does not shift it will result in a c-section. Here is hoping my body will do its thing and shift that damn placenta! It was a bit of s shock but also we were happy overall because it has no impact on bebe!

In the first few weeks on the second trimester all I was doing is waiting for kicks and flutters. My doctors kept asking if I can feel anything - which I couldn't at that point and all my apps (yes, I have 4 of them!) kept mentioning that now if this time to feel the baby for the first time. Finally at 16 weeks and 2 days (on June 18, 2020) I could feel like tiny movements and flutters and it was unreal. Not only was I relieved but also very excited because thus far the only time it felt real that I am actually pregnant was when going to the doctors to hear the heartbeat or ultrasound to actually see bebe in action. Feeling the baby's little movements is very special and also very calming to know she is goos in there!! Just a week later at 17 weeks and 3 days (on June 26, 2020) we felt the movement from the outside, meaning Jeremiah could also feel them! It was very very special.

Until about 24 weeks I was barely showing but that rapidly changed over the next 4 weeks. I had some moments of "damn I am getting huge" but I kept on eating what I felt like (which is often healthy stuff but also french fries, ice cream and gummi bears). Now that the second trimester is coming to a close, I think overall I am ok with the weight I've gained. The placenta previa prevented me from working out on my regular schedule and routine, but instead we went for a lot of walks and did light yoga. Now the home stretch, the third trimester is beginning!
Second Trimester Facts:
week 13-28
from May 26 to Sept 8
weight gain 65.2-71.2 kg = 6kg