W omen Empowerment and the phrase "Women Supporting Women" seems to be a hot topic these days. Based on my own experience and conversations with people around me, I am torn towards the subject. Is it just a "nice thing to say" or is something that elevates you as a person if you are using this phrase? Women Empowerment is a movement that is supposed to encourage women to support one another, help out, celebrate accomplishment - it is supposed to be uplifting and encouraging. However, is the topic just leaving women wondering where these supportive women are in their lives? Seldom is this support actually being put to action. I feel supported whenever I people around me are happy for me and my accomplishments and I love celebrating with others. As an entrepreneur, I know the effort that goes into landing a brand partnership of your dreams, being featured in a high level magazine or launching a product - but all these accomplishments and many more need celebration!
Social media is a tool that brings people, and women together from all over the world. I have received immense support from friends I have made through social media and offline and without those womens' support, I know I wouldn't be at the point where I am today. Unfortunately, jealousy comes into play, and those who talk most about women empowerment appear to be most focused on being empowered by others, yet fail to reciprocate that empowerment and encouragement.
To me, though, this is what empowerment is all about: celebrating the accomplishments of others, and knowing that those very people will celebrate your successes and triumphs with you as well. It isn't a "nice thing to do" that is just one sided, no - women supporting women is exactly what it reads and only in this way we will all success and pull through! Stop comparing, stop the jealousy, focus on love, spread that love and feel the support of the community - your life and heart will be much more full!
I want to use this post to encourage you all to truly appreciate the people around you and celebrate with them, lift them up when they need it and encourage them to be the best version of themselves. Toss the people who only ask for you to be there for them, and do not care to do the same for you. Ridding yourself of the "excess" people in your life is incredibly rewarding for yourself and will make you feel a lot better about yourself. Encourage those who are there for you. Keep these women in your life who truly belief in the action of Women Empowerment, and not only in the one sided theory of it all!